Fatima Syed is a Master of Journalism Student at Ryerson University is written … Canada Temporary foreign workers face deportation [April 1, 2015,]
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration has cancelled the permit of 63 recruitment agencies … 63 recruitment agencies that permit is cancelled by POEA
PhilHealth issued this reminder as the new policy (where the POEA will collect … POEA will collect fees for only OEC and no longer for PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG Fund
Domestic Worker in HK sent below photo to Coconut Hongkong of what she … HONG KONG Domestic Workers Room 170cm x 69cm
Sterilization technician Filipino in Qatar was sentenced for seven years in prison over money … Filipina in Qatar as sentenced for seven years in prison over money laundering.
A Filipino worker here has claimed that five Arabic-speaking men robbed him of … Filipino expat mugged and beaten up in Riyadh
A certain Aim Sarah Mae Alhari asking to share her post to call attention on … [NEED HELP] Pinay OFW Maltreated by Employer in Hail City in Saudi Arabia
A certain Nie-nie Austria posted the photo of an OFW who’s in Abu Dhabi whos … [VIRAL POST] OFW in Abu Dhabi Post Image in Social Media to Seek help
The Labor Ministry has reiterated that it is the right of foreign workers … Expats (OFW ) have right to keep their passports
Filipinos seeking jobs in Canada are warned against a possible scam targeting those … Filipinos seeking jobs in Canada are warned against a possible scam