Before acquiring a new car, one important thing that you need to acquire is a driver’s license. Without it, you won’t be allowed to drive a vehicle. But for Overseas Filipino Workers who are out of the country, they can still renew their driver’s license without the need to return to the Philippines.
Filipinos abroad who have expiring driver’s licenses are allowed to renew their license through the help of an authorized representative. This added convenience in the renewal of driver’s license was amended by the Land Transportation Office administrative order umber 88-002 (A.O. No. 88-002 of November 1988). It was then broadened by the administrative order number RIB-2007-011 (A.O. No. RIB 2007-011).
How To Apply For a Philippine Driver’s License Abroad
Currently, the Land Transportation Office is allowing Filipino workers to renew their driver’s license while outside the country. If your driver’s license is due to be renewed soon, this should serve as an advantage for you.
Step 1: Find an Authorized Representative
One thing you need to secure when you are renewing a driver’s license while abroad is to have an authorized representative. This representative will be the one to secure an appearance at the LTO licensing office and renewal centers.
Step 2: Secure All The Necessary Requirements
Just like any other license that you need to acquire, you need to comply with all the necessary requirements before you go to your appointment. There are a couple of things that you need to renew your license and this includes the;
Certificate of employment of the licensee
Photocopy of the OFW’s passport
Letter of Authorization to be brought by the representative
Photocopy of the driver’s license with the receipt
Step 3: The Representative Will Transact At The LTO
The authorized representative of the OFW will now transact at the Land Transportation Office on behalf of the OFW. There are necessary payments that need to be paid in line with the licensed renewal.
License Fee – P585
Application Fee – P100
Computer Fee – P67.63
Additional Computer Fee – 67.63
Other additional penalties may also be added to the fees.
After securing all the steps and paying the fees, it is time for you to return to the Philippines and present yourself within 30 days of application into the same office where your license was renewed by your representative. You will need to submit additional requirements at the LTO and they will take your photos and your signature for the process to be accomplished.
Source AutoDeal